WebDoc Webinar Series
Training, Accountability, and Consequences

Even the most experienced salesperson or service advisor needs a 15-minute business tune-up now and then.

I recently tweeted about another company’s salesperson that didn’t know how to calculate forecast and pace -- one of the key indicators of the success of a dealership’s sales team. The very thing we judge how well we are doing and if we will achieve our goals. The glaring realization brings to the forefront a couple of things:

 a) Either the hiring manager didn’t ask the right questions while considering this person for their sales team; or

 b) The sales manager realized the lack of knowledge but didn’t commit to ongoing training and mentoring to bring that person up to speed.

In both instances, we have failed the employee and provided a stalemate to the rest of our team from hitting their goals.
Bill Wittenmyer

M: (229) 630-4846
D: (229) 469-9898

Personal Twitter:
Billy the Kid Witt