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The Automotive Industry’s Leading
CRM Marketing Program.

Pot of Gold is a PAP Eligible turn-key email marketing program that allows dealerships to reactivate dormant prospects from their CRM (the average dealership has over 20,000 unsold internet leads).
Special Chrysler Pricing: $1000 per month (NO set up fee)
Normal price: $2000 per month and $1000 set-up fee. PAP Eligible.
Comes with a 90-Day Performance Promise.

Our program will reactivate these old dead leads, generate a new revenue stream and will double your internet closing ratio in 90 days.
Program Advantages
  • Emails are mobile enabled
  • Data Cleansing
  • Superior Inbox Placement
  • Behavioral targeting
  • Full Sales, Service Reporting
  • Professional Messaging
  • Service prospecting
100% Guaranteed Verifiable Results — Find Out How!
  • Typical Dealers averaging a ROI over 500%
  • Typical Dealers averaging 4-9% response rate
To Schedule a Demo Please Call: (877) 395-8625