Modernize Reconditioning With Lean Manufacturing Processes
1 - By definition, time-to-market is the sum of time a car is owned by a dealership but not yet reconditioned and available for customer viewing.
2 - Lean manufacturing, the foundational principle for workflow improvement, describes a discipline that seeks to remove waste from processes. Workflow practices seek to smooth out reconditioning disruptions, bottlenecks, and communications snags and delays.
3 - The goal is to help fixed  operations and dealership employees deliver a more efficient, frictionless — and profitable — reconditioning service to their dealership's Used Car Department.
Traditional Processes Don't work
Until 2011, the spreadsheet or a shared Google document were the only viable workflow tools for managing reconditioning. Then, the idea of using real-time workflow technology, a proven production tool popularized by Toyota, brought exciting new advantages to vehicle reconditioning.

Spreadsheets, whiteboards and google docs are static tools in an increasingly dynamic environment. They are, therefore, no longer the right tool for measuring and managing todays reconditioning.

A technology- based workflow tool that provides All departments and All employees — simultaneously — with key reconditioning status information eliminates the imbalance in information about vehicles in reconditioning and eliminates finger-pointing.
One of the biggest problems with any static production tool?
It's difficult to share amongst employees and departments.
Mobile Ready on all platforms
Rapid Recon in the palm of your hand.

Workflow Improves Outcomes

This technology is now readily available to dealerships from Rapid Recon.

Let us show you how this technology can increase recon productivity, reduce its costs and increase gross.

In less than 40 minutes of your time we'll show just how other dealers are cutting five to eight days from Recon Time-to-Market.  Experience real dealership's reconditioning process in action. Schedule a personal on-line demo. 
Schedule a Demo >
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