A note of thanks from customers, like Bart, reflects what we strive for in every store.
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White Paper: Recon Strategies & Case Studies
Today's reconditioning operations managed within a Time-to-Market culture are productive and profitable – and true generators of gross and customer satisfaction!
GMs and their management teams who operate this important function using monitoring and measurement tools get cars to retail faster, drive more gross to their bottom line, and increase inventory turn – often up to two times!
Topics covered:
Increase recon productivity and reduce its costs & waste
Structure, Measure & Hold Accountable
Measure every step, process, and labor input
Reducing cycle time & increasing inventory turns
Holding cost calculator and gross erosion
Jared Ricart, Service Operations Manager, Ricart Automotive. – We refined our processes and reduce Time-to-Market to about four days. We worked to eliminate wait times and work faster toward our common Time-to-Market goal and not point fingers.
Rapid Recon | 850 El Camino Real Suite 13A-420 | Palo Alto, CA 94301 | (650) 209-4596