"When we started with Rapid Recon, we were at a 7-8 day turn. We dropped that in half."
Logo (650) 209-4596
Establish A Time-To-Market
Recon Culture
Rapid Recon is a communication tool first and a tracking tool second. It is designed to keep communication in front of the car and continuous.
This Playbook is specifically designed for the GM, so that in 15 minutes, he or she can set measurable objectives for establishing a time-to-market culture that delivers a Best Practices, 3-day Average-Days-in-Recon. Without the GM's active attention, a consistent 3-day ADR is just not realistic as accountability and resource decisions for the dealership only come together at one desk.
Rapid Recon understands the recon process and provides the software tools, training and experience to help any GM create and manage a time-to-market-culture.
Rapid Recon | 850 El Camino Real Suite 13A-420 | Palo Alto, CA 94301 | (650) 209-4596