One-Touch Video Testimonials
90% of online shoppers say their buying decisions are influenced by online reviews.
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Start developing your Testimonial Library and Expand Your Reach
This two-step process enables you to film and share video reviews before your customer has left the store. SEO optimization and social sharing build your brand recognition.
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You Have Happy Customers
Testimonial Builder enables you to record a customer testimonial while they are excited and happy at the time of sale. Then the app helps promote the video testimonial online, automatically. This creates a marketing phenomenon that will increase your sales and your customer's faith in you.
Testimonial Builder in 2 Steps:
1) Shoot Your Testimonial
2) Press Upload
The app will forward the video review to your customer, so they can share on their Personal Social Media.
(the average person has 750 Facebook Friends)
Better than 5-Stars, Hear it From The Customer!
Create YOUR "Video Library"
Utilize Testimonial Builder to create and archive a video library of Happy Customers. Your custom Testimonial Builder YouTube channel and other social platforms will be THE best reference you will ever have.
Join The Conversation
Testimonial Builder is the innovative way to build your business by integrating online reputation, social media, video SEO, and website traffic generation all designed to increase sales. Search Engine giant Google owns YouTube, the second largest search engine, so video and online reputation now play one of the largest roles in Google's Ranking Algorithm.